Tuesday 27 February 2007

Do you feel like you know enough?

"Despite scouring two national newspapers every day, listening to the radio, surfing the web and watching TV news, I have absolutely no clue how the war is going."
- Letter to the editor, The Guardian, London

A quote taken from Philip Knightley's
The first casualty


Anonymous said...

How can we know when mystery and even lies have been key elements in this war even before it began? I pity the journalists trying to do their job in a country so dangerously torn, let alone in a world this afraid of the truth whatever it turns out to be

Anonymous said...

No offence and all, but what newspapers and internet sources was that person exactly reading?
Have they ever heard of Radio Four or The New Statesman?. There is plenty of quality information out there its just a case of if people wish to access it. I don't feel sorry for journalists who venture in to war torn countries I admire them. Foreign correspondents etc provide an invaluable contribution and shed a light on issues that we would normally be uninformed on. All we can do is hope that their reporting remains committed to the good ol' values of accuracy and balance!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree.How much to we ever really know? War reporters are our only window to this world....but maybe this gives them too much authority...

Anonymous said...

Who reads 'The New Statesman' out of choice?